7010, ccie, ccie data center, data center, Fryguy, fryguy_pa, gz, gzip, nexus, nexus 7000, nexus 7010, nexus 7018, nxos, securecrt, show tech, tech-support, troubleshoot, vPC
Recently I have experience some interesting first-level support from our Cisco VAR. They are not too familiar with the Nexus 7000 and insisted on us sending them a SHOW TECH from the switch. If you are not familiar with a Nexus 7000, let me tell you – the show tech from this box can be over 100 Megs! So, when they asked for that I was like – are you sure? really really sure? I just have to say – thank you DropBox and public folders! I used DropBox place the file and then send the support the public link. Not sure that most e-mail systems would appreciate that large of a file!
So, if the Show Tech Support is so big, how do you get the information that support needs? Well, instead of running a complete show tech, you run it for the sections you need!
Here is a list of what you can append to a Show Tech-Support command: (show tech-support option)
N7K1-CoreSwitch1# sh tech-support ?
> Redirect it to a file
>> Redirect it to a file in append mode
aaa Display aaa information
aclmgr ACL commands
adjmgr Display Adjmgr information
arp Display ARP information
ascii-cfg Show ascii-cfg information for technical support personnel
assoc_mgr Gather detailed information for assoc_mgr troubleshooting
bgp Display BGP status and configuration
bootvar Gather detailed information for bootvar troubleshooting
brief Display the switch summary
callhome Callhome troubleshooting information
cdp Gather information for CDP trouble shooting
cert-enroll Display certificates information
cfs Gather detailed information for cfs troubleshooting
cli Gather information for parser troubleshooting
clis Gather information for CLI Server troubleshooting
commands Show commands executed as part of show tech-support commands
details Gather detailed information for troubleshooting
dhcp Gather detailed information for dhcp troubleshooting
eem Show EEM tech-support information
eigrp Display EIGRP status and configuration
eltm Eltm debug info
ethpm Gather detailed information for ETHPM troubleshooting
forwarding Forwarding debug information
ha Gather detailed information for HA troubleshooting
hsrp Show hsrp tech-support information
icmpv6 Display Icmpv6 information
im Gather detailed information for IM troubleshooting
include-time Gather tech-support and capture time taken to execute each
interface-vlan Gather detailed information for interface-vlan
internal Gather internal info for troubleshooting
ip Display IP information
ipqos IP QoS Manager
ipv4 Display IP information
ipv6 Display IPV6 information
l2fm L2fm debug info
l2pt Gather information for l2pt troubleshooting
l3vm Display VRF information
lacp Gather detailed information for LACP component
license Display licensing information
logging Show information on logging for technical support staff
m2fib Gather detailed information for M2FIB troubleshooting
m2rib Gather detailed information for M2RIB troubleshooting
mfwd Display MCASTFWD status and configuration
module Gather info related to a module
monitor Gather detailed information for monitor troubleshooting
multicast Display V4 Multicast information
netflow Show NetFlow tech-support information
netstack Gather information for NETSTACK troubleshooting
npacl Display npacl information
pixm Gather detailed information for PIXM troubleshooting
pixmc PIXMC Information
pktmgr Display Packet Manager information
port-channel Gather detailed information for port channel troubleshooting
port-profile Gather information for troubleshooting port-profiles
port-security Port security related command
Ok, color code again:
Red – Router Output
Blue – Commands
Green – Notes
Traditionally when we have done show tech-support, we have always done terminal length to 0, set the capture buffer on our terminal application, and then executed the command – like this:
First we set the length to 0
FryGuyR1#terminal length 0
Then we configure our terminal to capture the data
Then we issue the show tech command:
FryGuyR1#show tech-support
After a few minutes we are done. We can then take that file and then send it to TAC or some other VAR support. The 3845ISR I just did a show-tech on was about 400kb, so it is no problem to e-mail that one to someone.
Well, that is fine until you get to a beast like the Nexus 7000. As I mentioned earlier, the SHOW TECH from that beast is HUGE! One of our production devices has a show tech of about 150 megs!
So, what are we do to if we need to do a SHOW TECH on the Nexus? Well one thing cool about NX-OS is that you can redirect the output by appending >> or creating a file with > to the show tech. You can redirect the output to Bootflahs, slot0, or volatile memory. Once there, you can retrieve it vie FTP/TFTP and such.
N7K1# show tech-support >> ?
bootflash: Destination filesystem path
slot0: Destination filesystem path
volatile: Destination filesystem path
N7K1#show tech-support >> bootflash:TechBlog.txt
So, once you have all that information – just look at the bootlfash:
N7K1# dir
144030405 Jan 23 16:49:17 2011 TechBlog.txt
44192 Nov 23 1:22:00 2010 Backuprunningconfig.txt
Usage for bootflash://
658034688 bytes used
1151864832 bytes free
1809899520 bytes total
Now for another neat trick – the NX-OS has gzip installed, so we can gzip the file and make it even smaller before transferring it to our computer.
N7K1# gzip bootflash:TechBlog.txt
N7K1# dir
10590611 Jan 23 16:49:17 2011 TechBlog.txt.gz
44192 Nov 21 12:22:19 2010 runningconfig.txt
Usage for bootflash://
524464128 bytes used
1285435392 bytes free
1809899520 bytes total
There, we went from 144 meg file to a 10 meg zip. From there, you should be able to e-mail the file to support for assistance.
Pingback: Internets of Interest:6 Feb 11
Thanks for the nice article.
However there is another command available in Nexus which redirect the output of the show tech-support details command to a file, and then gzip the file.
switch# tac-pac bootflash://showtech.PrimarySW
if you do not specify a filename, Cisco NX-OS creates the file as volatile:show_tech_out.gz
Now you can copy this file using tftp/ftp/scp from the device.
Arun –
tac-pac is much better, agreed. I did a post on that a few months ago as well and that can be found here:
Thank you for mentioning it here though, your comment might save someone some time as well!
Thanks for the nice article.
However there is another command available in Nexus which redirect the output of the show tech-support details command to a file, and then gzip the file.
switch# tac-pac bootflash://showtech.PrimarySW
if you do not specify a filename, Cisco NX-OS creates the file as volatile:show_tech_out.gz
Now you can copy this file using tftp/ftp/scp from the device.
Arun –
tac-pac is much better, agreed. I did a post on that a few months ago as well and that can be found here:
Thank you for mentioning it here though, your comment might save someone some time as well!
Thanks for the nice article.
However there is another command available in Nexus which redirect the output of the show tech-support details command to a file, and then gzip the file.
switch# tac-pac bootflash://showtech.PrimarySW
if you do not specify a filename, Cisco NX-OS creates the file as volatile:show_tech_out.gz
Now you can copy this file using tftp/ftp/scp from the device.
Arun –
tac-pac is much better, agreed. I did a post on that a few months ago as well and that can be found here:
Thank you for mentioning it here though, your comment might save someone some time as well!
Thanks for the article. very helpful. Can you direct to a link or something which details which sh tech shall we collect based on the issue? some of them are staright forward. but i am not sure of few things like eltm etc. It will be very helpful to know what each of those mean.
Thank you,