call manager, callmanager, cisco, cme, dial-peer, ephone, fxo, fxs, intercom, opx, plar opx, voip
This is just a quick post on how to setup CallManager Express for home using a Cisco 2800 series router.
The specs for this network are:
- My home telephone number is 6105555555 (pretty cool, eh? j/k – that is a fictitious number for this posting.)
- Cisco PoE Capable Switch
- Cisco 2811 Series Routers w/256 memory and 512 compact flash
- VIC2-2FXO card for analog telephone in the house
- VIC2-2FXS card for the connection to the Telephone Company
- Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall for Internet connectivity
- Cisco 7960G IP Phones
- Cisco 7920 Wireless Phone
- A few normal Analog phones around the house.
- Hold music via multicast – BMG.wav
- Web services hosted on berbee.com
- CallManager Express v7.1
So, quick background on the FXO and FXS cards. These cards are what allow you to connect your router to the Telephone company for inbound/outbound calling or to an analog phone. The FXS provides battery to (S)tuff, FXO points toward the Central (O)ffice (Thanks Tom for the analogy)
Below is an image that depicts the cards and their connections.
Below is an image that represents a portion of my home network (yes, there is more like Wireless and other switches), but this will do for this posting. I have a router connected to the PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network), a Cisco ASA connected to the internet, an POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) Analog phone hanging off the router, and assorted Cisco 7960G phones around the house with computers connected. There are also two phones in the house with an Intercom function as well – this is used so we do not have to shout about between the floors when you need someone. It is also good for listening in on the kids when they are either A) too quiet; or B) being loud and rambunctious.
So, lets get into the configuration. This is an edited dump and only really showing the commands that deal with CallManager express
Red Configuration
Blue Commands
Green Notes
Here we define a hostname for the router. This is purely arbitrary.
hostname FryGuyCCMExp
You need to specify your local timezone, this is where the time and date on the phones come from.
I did try UTC and such, but found you needed to put the router in the local time zone for it to all work.
clock timezone EDT -5
clock summer-time EST recurring
If you are running Music-on-hold (MOG), you will need to enable multicast
ip multicast-routing
Here the router has defined that we have a voice-card in slot 0 on the router
voice-card 0
This command will allow you to log all the calls received and made from your IPT network
gw-accounting syslog
Here we configure our interface that is on the network. I am using a for the router, have sparse-mode configured for the music-on-hold as well as an internal IPv6 network address.
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
duplex auto
speed auto
ipv6 address FD9A:D51F:ABD9:0:192:168:0:9/64
This is the IP address of my firewall, I have both a default and a static route configured. This was done in case the router crashed and I needed generate a crashdump a file.
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
This is actually the route to the installed Service Module engine. I do have a Unity module installed, but I have not had the time to configure it.
ip route Service-Engine1/0
Since we are running CallManager and such, we should enable HTTP services. This is also how you share a global directory on the phones.
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:
Since we are running multicast, we should tell the router where the RP is
ip pim rp-address
Now, we need to device all the files that we need to have available via TFTP. Many of these files are phone loads (SEP), Ringtones, Backgrounds, etc. And yes, I do have some customer ring tones created on my CME 🙂
tftp-server flash:P00308000500.bin
tftp-server flash:P00405000700.bin
tftp-server flash:apps70.8-4-1-23.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu70.8-4-1-23.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-4-1-23.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-4-2S.loads
tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads
tftp-server flash:RingList.xml
tftp-server flash:DistinctiveRingList.xml
tftp-server flash:Analog1.raw
tftp-server flash:Analog2.raw
tftp-server flash:AreYouThere.raw
tftp-server flash:AreYouThereF.raw
tftp-server flash:Bass.raw
tftp-server flash:CallBack.raw
tftp-server flash:Chime.raw
tftp-server flash:Classic1.raw
tftp-server flash:Classic2.raw
tftp-server flash:ClockShop.raw
tftp-server flash:Drums1.raw
tftp-server flash:Drums2.raw
tftp-server flash:FilmScore.raw
tftp-server flash:HarpSynth.raw
tftp-server flash:Jamaica.raw
tftp-server flash:KotoEffect.raw
tftp-server flash:MusicBox.raw
tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw
tftp-server flash:Piano2.raw
tftp-server flash:Pop.raw
tftp-server flash:Pulse1.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring1.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring2.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring3.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring4.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring5.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring6.raw
tftp-server flash:Ring7.raw
tftp-server flash:Sax1.raw
tftp-server flash:Sax2.raw
tftp-server flash:Vibe.raw
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/List.xml
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x12/TN-NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/List.xml
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-CampusNight.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-CiscoFountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-CiscoLogo.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-Fountain.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-MorroRock.png
tftp-server flash:DeskTops/320x212x16/TN-NantucketFlowers.png
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-5-3S.loads
tftp-server flash:apps70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu70.8-5-3TH1-6.sbn
tftp-server flash:YoHo.ray
tftp-server flash:TikiRoom.raw
tftp-server flash:YoHo.raw
tftp-server flash:SmallWorld.raw
tftp-server flash:CTU_Final.raw
tftp-server flash:P00503010100.bin
tftp-server flash:cmterm_7920.bin
Now we can configured the FXO card to forward inbound calls into the network. the PLAR (Private-Line Automatic Ringdown) command with OPX (off-premise extenstion) is necessary in order to forward the call with your home telephone number to CallManager. When using this for home, the telephone company does not send any digits to the house (ie no DID), so you need to inject them into the call.
voice-port 0/2/0
connection plar opx 6105555555
description POTS line from Telco
caller-id enable
This is another FXO card port, no configuration here as I do not have anything connected
voice-port 0/2/1
This configuration is for an Analog phone with the extension of 1009 connected. The FXS port is able to power the phone just like it was connected into a wall-jack
voice-port 0/3/0
description [—-[ Jeff’s Desk ]—-]
station-id number 1009
caller-id enable
There is nothing connected to this port right now, so no config. But I could easily add another analog phone (fax?) if I chose to.
voice-port 0/3/1
Now we are getting into the meat-and potatoes of the CallManager express – Dial-peers!
This dial-peer (voice 2) is for out-bound dialing of a 10-digit number that begins with 2-9, and is then followed by anything ( . is the wildcard)
If matched, the router will forward all digits out on port 0/2/0 – that is the FXS card – to the PSTN
dial-peer voice 2 pots
destination-pattern [2-9]………
port 0/2/0
forward-digits all
This is a similair dial-peer, but instead will look for a 11-digit number, starting with 1, then 2-9, then 9-digit wildcard.
Again, forwarding all digits out port 0/2/0 (PSTN)
dial-peer voice 3 pots
destination-pattern 1[2-9]………
port 0/2/0
forward-digits all
This dial-peer is looking for 1009 to be dialed and then will forward it out on port 0/3/0 to an analog phone.
dial-peer voice 4 pots
destination-pattern 1009
port 0/3/0
forward-digits 0
Now for the CallManager express configuration. To enable CME, you need to enable telephone-service
Lets specify what the max-phones and directory numbers (DN) we want to support is
max-ephones 25
max-dn 99
This is the IP address for the CallManager – Port 2000 is the SCCP (skinny) default port. Here I have also specified the QoS as well as the inter-digit timeout (time between digits before dialing)
ip source-address port 2000
ip qos dscp af31 signal
timeouts interdigit 2
This is the message that is displayed on the telephone
system message Fry Family IP Telephony
Now to setup the Services button to host information. Here I am using free information from Berbee.com (James?) Also included is an image of the menu that you receive with these services.
url services http://phone-xml.berbee.com/menu.xml
This is where we specify the images for the phones. I have loads for a 7920, 7940-7960, as well as the 7970 color phone.
load 7920 flash:cmterm_7920.bin
load 7960-7940 P00308000500
load 7970 term70.default.loads
This is where you set what Time-Zone you are in. You can hit ? here to see what other options there are. 12 is EST
time-zone 12
This is the dialplan pattern for my house, I am using the last-4 to identify extension. Really do not think I am using this part of the config anymore though.
dialplan-pattern 1 6105555555 extension-length 4 extension-pattern 5555
Conference information if I need to add in another line
max-conferences 8 gain -6
This is my hold-music and the associated multi-cast information. I am using port 2000 here as well as it is used for the normal RTP media between ip phones and the router.
moh flash:/BMG.wav
multicast moh port 2000
This is the web account to access the CME via the url ( in this case )
web admin system name admin password cisco
This allows me to transfer calls with full-consulatation (ie warn the other party)
transfer-system full-consult
This is to block certain dial-patterns. Here I block 1-900, 1010, and 011 calls 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
after-hours block pattern 1 1900 7-24
after-hours block pattern 2 1010 7-24
after-hours block pattern 3 011 7-24
This is my phone directory. If you use the directory listing on the phone, these are the listings that are available.
directory entry 1 16105551234 name Jeff Cell Phone
directory entry 2 6105552345 name Jeff Work
directory entry 3 6105553456 name Grammy
directory entry 4 6105554567 name Grandma Fry Home
directory entry 5 6105555678 name Grandma Fry Cell
This is used to create the config files for the phones (7960)
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jan 11 2010 18:03:45
Now we can start to configured the phone extensions and their associated names:
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 1002
label 1002
name Playroom
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 1001
label 1001
name Master Bedroom
On this DN I have it set to ring for call waiting, I believe that the default is BEEP
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
call-waiting ring
number 1005
label 1005
name Jeff’s Desk
ephone-dn 4
number 1010
label 1010
name Computer Rack
ephone-dn 5
number 1011
label 1011
ephone-dn 6
number 1050
label 1050
name Wireless
This DN is the main house line
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 6105555555
label Home Phone
This is one of the Intercom lines (Extension 1998). This is what we use between floors as an intercom.
ephone-dn 98
number 1998
label Intercom
name Jeff Desk Intercom
intercom 1999 barge-in no-mute
And this is the other Intercom line that we have upstairs
ephone-dn 99
number 1999
label Intercom
name PlayRoom Intercom
intercom 1998 no-mute
Now here we start to configure the phones. We have a local meaningful description, the associated MAC address, Speed-Dials buttons as well as associated buttons for calls.
The button 1:1 means – Line 1, ephone-dn 1(extension 1002) — 2:25 is button 2 ephone-dn 25 (main house number) — 3:99 is button ephone 99 (Intercom 1999)
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
description Playroom Phone
mac-address 000D.BC50.E06D
speed-dial 1 1001 label “Master Bedroom”
speed-dial 2 1006 label “Basement Computer”
speed-dial 3 1002 label “Playroom”
button 1:1 2:25 3:99
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 000E.8349.CD0E
speed-dial 1 1002 label “Playroom”
speed-dial 2 1006 label “Basement Computer”
button 1:2 2:25
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0012.01E8.73C7
speed-dial 1 1001 label “Master Bedroom”
speed-dial 2 1002 label “Playroom”
speed-dial 3 1006 label “Basement Computer”
type 7960
button 1:3 2:25 3:98
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0012.008F.A1B5
speed-dial 1 1001 label “Master Bedroom”
speed-dial 2 1002 label “Playroom”
type 7960
button 1:4 2:25
ephone 5
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0012.01B3.5843
speed-dial 1 1001 label “Master Bedroom”
speed-dial 2 1002 label “Playroom”
speed-dial 3 1006 label “Basement Computer”
type 7960
button 1:5 2:25
This phone, ehpone 6, was an old wireless Cisco phone that we had. The battery went bad – but you can use the Cisco wireless with this setup as well.
ephone 6
device-security-mode none
mac-address 000D.282E.8F2A
max-calls-per-button 2
type 7920
auto-line incoming
button 2:6 3:25
The remaining part here is my NTP configuration. A good NTP setup will keep the phone date/time correct.
ntp source FastEthernet0/0
ntp master
ntp update-calendar
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server prefer
Now more on the gw-accounting syslog command. It is a great to monitor call-history and such in the router log file, or to an external syslog. I can see who has called me or who we have called. This is also a good way to record call history for FCC purposes if ever needed. The two numbers in this log are 6105555555 and 4845551212.
FryGuyCCMExp#sh log
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 3 messages rate-limited,
0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.
No Inactive Message Discriminator.
Console logging: disabled
Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
filtering disabled
Buffer logging: level debugging, 4498 messages logged, xml disabled,
filtering disabled
Logging Exception size (4096 bytes)
Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
Persistent logging: disabled
No active filter modules.
ESM: 0 messages dropped
Trap logging: level informational, 4033 message lines logged
Log Buffer (25000 bytes):
Jan 30 23:31:06.359: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2, SetupTime 18:31:05.069 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, PeerAddress 1005, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10 , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 18:31:06.359 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, DisconnectTime 18:31:06.359 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0
Jan 30 23:31:06.359: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:05.067,cgn:1005,cdn:,frs:0,fid:1875,fcid:D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2,legID:73F,bguid:D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:31:10.212: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2, SetupTime 18:31:06.452 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, PeerAddress 6105555555, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10 , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 18:31:07.612 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, DisconnectTime 18:31:10.192 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 121, ReceiveBytes 19360
Jan 30 23:31:10.212: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:06.439,cgn:4845551212,cdn:6105551212,frs:0,fid:1877,fcid:D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2,legID:741,bguid:D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:31:10.228: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2, SetupTime 18:31:06.438 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, PeerAddress 484551212, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10 , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 18:31:07.638 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, DisconnectTime 18:31:10.228 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 121, TransmitBytes 20328, ReceivePackets 127, ReceiveBytes 20320
Jan 30 23:31:10.228: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:06.431,cgn:48455512121,cdn:6105551212,frs:0,fid:1876,fcid:D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2,legID:740,bguid:D828260B2BFF11E0935A8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.310: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId 424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2, SetupTime 18:34:04.520 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, PeerAddress 6105555555, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10 , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 18:34:05.690 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, DisconnectTime 18:34:15.300 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 465, ReceiveBytes 74400
Jan 30 23:34:15.310: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:RESUME,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:14.746,frs:0,fid:1883,fcid:48673BBD2C0011E093658DA073AA0AE2,legID:743,hrson:0,holding:6105555555,held:4845551212,sl:1,usr:,tag:3,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.310: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:HOLD,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:07.854,frs:0,fid:1880,fcid:444B95432C0011E093648DA073AA0AE2,legID:743,hrson:1,holding:6105555555,held:4845551212,sl:1,usr:,tag:3,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.310: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:04.502,cgn:4845551212,cdn:6105551212,frs:0,fid:1879,fcid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2,legID:743,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.330: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId 424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2, SetupTime 18:34:04.500 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, PeerAddress 4845551212, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10 , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 18:34:05.710 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, DisconnectTime 18:34:15.330 EDT Sun Jan 30 2011, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 465, TransmitBytes 78120, ReceivePackets 478, ReceiveBytes 76480
Jan 30 23:34:15.330: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:RESUME,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:14.746,frs:0,fid:1883,fcid:48673BBD2C0011E093658DA073AA0AE2,legID:742,hrson:0,holding:6105551212,held:4845551212,sl:1,usr:,tag:3,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.330: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:HOLD,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:07.854,frs:0,fid:1880,fcid:444B95432C0011E093648DA073AA0AE2,legID:742,hrson:1,holding:6105551212,held:4845551212,sl:1,usr:,tag:3,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Jan 30 23:34:15.330: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:34:04.494,cgn:4845551212,cdn:6105555555,frs:0,fid:1878,fcid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2,legID:742,bguid:424A46052C0011E0935F8DA073AA0AE2
Now, if you want to see what calls have occurred over the past 5 or so minutes, you can also use the show call history voice brief command. The output in this command shows the extenstion that answered (1005), the incoming call (6105555) and the number that called (4845551212).
FryGuyCCMExp#sh call hist voi br
<ID>: <CallID> <start>ms.<index> +<connect> +<disc> pid:<peer_id> <direction> <addr>
dur hh:mm:ss tx:<packets>/<bytes> rx:<packets>/<bytes> <disc-cause>(<text>)
IP <ip>:<udp> rtt:<time>ms pl:<play>/<gap>ms lost:<lost>/<early>/<late>
delay:<last>/<min>/<max>ms <codec>
media inactive detected:<y/n> media cntrl rcvd:<y/n> timestamp:<time>
long duration call detected:<y/n> long duration call duration :<sec> timestamp:<time>
MODEMPASS <method> buf:<fills>/<drains> loss <overall%> <multipkt>/<corrected>
last <buf event time>s dur:<Min>/<Max>s
FR <protocol> [int dlci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
<codec> (payload size)
ATM <protocol> [int vpi/vci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
<codec> (payload size)
Telephony <int> (callID) [channel_id] tx:<tot>/<voice>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<lvl>dBm acom:<lvl>dBm
MODEMRELAY info:<rcvd>/<sent>/<resent> xid:<rcvd>/<sent> total:<rcvd>/<sent>/<drops> disc:<cause code>
speeds(bps): local <rx>/<tx> remote <rx>/<tx>
Proxy <ip>:<audio udp>,<video udp>,<tcp0>,<tcp1>,<tcp2>,<tcp3> endpt: <type>/<manf>
bw: <req>/<act> codec: <audio>/<video>
tx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
rx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
Telephony call-legs: 3
SIP call-legs: 0
H323 call-legs: 0
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
Total call-legs: 3
2536 : 1855 -838053734ms.1855 +-1 +1290 pid:20003 Answer 1005
dur 00:00:00 tx:0/0 rx:0/0 10 (normal call clearing (16))
Telephony 50/0/3 (1855) [50/0/3.0] tx:0/0/0ms None noise:0dBm acom:0dBm
long duration call detected:n long dur callduration :n/a timestamp:n/a
253A : 1857 -838052344ms.1856 +1160 +3740 pid:20007 Originate 6105555555
dur 00:00:02 tx:0/0 rx:121/19360 10 (normal call clearing (16))
Telephony 50/0/25 (1857) [50/0/25.0] tx:2440/2440/0ms g711ulaw noise:0dBm acom:0dBm
long duration call detected:n long dur callduration :n/a timestamp:n/a
253A : 1856 -838052364ms.1857 +1200 +3790 pid:2 Answer 4845551212
dur 00:00:02 tx:121/20328 rx:127/20320 10 (normal call clearing (16))
Telephony 0/2/0 (1856) [0/2/0] tx:2560/2560/0ms g711ulaw noise:-60dBm acom:6dBm
long duration call detected:n long dur callduration :n/a timestamp:n/a
Now, there is also a GUI to the CallManager express – on my router the URL is . From what I can tell, you can do quite a bit from here as well. To be honest though, I do not think that I have every really used this feature.

Neat post, however its only useful if one was an engineer to Cisco's gear for a day job.
I had bought a C1700-V with CM 4.1 a few months ago to the point where it crashed and the attempt to restoring the router is to the point of no avail. (I believe the chip is fragmented and the lack of CLI skills to move the files to the right place is likely the cause.
The app is similar to yours, a Cape styled house to eliminate the yelling and to have a private phone network. I have spent hours upon hours finding out how to set up the system *the right way*. I figured the investment I put in of about $200+ between the phones and router(I got a steal for Cat2950 for about $5!) is probably a waste.
I guess this is the same sentiment most larger enterprises faces with how faulty Cisco gear works and how many cutovers have failed because the system just can't work like the real world. Too much focus on the TFTP and running configs. I got it to learn more on the cisco platform and to learn what is supposed to be a defacto standard in enterprise IP voice networks. Maybe its just me and my traditional PBX mindset that can't be applied to IPT.
Wish I could post a success story but that isn't the case.
why cdn is empty?
Jan 30 23:31:06.359: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:05.067,cgn:1005,cdn:,frs:0,fid:1875,fcid:D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2,le
why cdn is empty?
Jan 30 23:31:06.359: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:05.067,cgn:1005,cdn:,frs:0,fid:1875,fcid:D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2,le
why cdn is empty?
Jan 30 23:31:06.359: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:01/30/2011 18:31:05.067,cgn:1005,cdn:,frs:0,fid:1875,fcid:D75804FF2BFF11E093568DA073AA0AE2,le
This is cool….above you mentioned that the first dial-peer links to the FXS card. I think you meant to put that it routed to the FXO card. I will be doing something similar at my place in the coming days. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm!
This is cool….above you mentioned that the first dial-peer links to the FXS card. I think you meant to put that it routed to the FXO card. I will be doing something similar at my place in the coming days. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm!
This is cool….above you mentioned that the first dial-peer links to the FXS card. I think you meant to put that it routed to the FXO card. I will be doing something similar at my place in the coming days. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm!
This is cool….above you mentioned that the first dial-peer links to the FXS card. I think you meant to put that it routed to the FXO card. I will be doing something similar at my place in the coming days. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm!
This is a terrific tutorial. I have the same setup as you in terms of 2821 ISR, an ASA and mix of VoIP plus analog phones. One difference is that I have added a 9 port Fast Ethernet switch INSIDE the 2821. This keeps the total footprint in the rack very small. I’ve posted my ‘sh inventory’ below in case it can help.
Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for this post. I had been using a mixture of CBT Nuggets, Cisco’s site and Cisco Press books but could never quite get my lab interfacing with the PSTN properly. Your blog post was the remedy. Thank you!!
FXO: “2nd generation two port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 1”,
internal switch: “9 Port FE Switch on Slot 0 SubSlot 3”
v. cool!
This is a terrific tutorial. I have the same setup as you in terms of 2821 ISR, an ASA and mix of VoIP plus analog phones. One difference is that I have added a 9 port Fast Ethernet switch with PoE INSIDE the 2821. This keeps the total footprint in the rack very small. I’ve posted my ‘sh inventory’ below in case it can help.
Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for this post. I had been using a mixture of CBT Nuggets, Cisco’s site and Cisco Press books but could never quite get my lab interfacing with the PSTN properly. Your blog post was the remedy. Thank you!!
Quick Question: Have you ever interfaced a CME or CUCM setup with a SIP trunk for local & long distance? In particular I was wondering if you have experience with setup of a “CUBE”? I have plans to use a 2801 as a CUBE for SIP trunk but that’s about as far as it’s gone.
2801 with 9 port FE switch inside.
FXO: “2nd generation two port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 1”,
Switch (inside the router): “9 Port FE PoE Switch on Slot 0 SubSlot 3”
v. cool!
With doing the gw-accounting… what kind of cpu load does that put on the router? Curious as I am thinking about turning this on in an environment that places 25,000+ calls per day.
I think it will all depend on what type of router you have. I do not recall the impact to the CPU on the router, but it might be something you syslog instead and disable any local logging.