Just a quick update… I will try and update the blog this weekend as time allows, if not this weekend then definitely on Monday. Been a long and tiring week – and best of all an awesome one! Have quite a bit to share about the experiences over the day as well as many new post ideas.
Was great to meet many of you – really appreciated (as well as humbled) by all the compliments and kind words.
Hope you all have a safe trip home and hope to see you again next year!
Thank you,
Jeff (Fryguy)
PS – I will fix the IOS 15 post as soon as possible, I am hearing it is kicking back errors – and I think that is due to the sheer size of the matrix. See what I can do.
Quick update…
15 Friday Jul 2011
Posted Cisco Live
I second the comment of a long and tiring week. Really good to meet you. We’ll have to coordinate a PA network tweetup sometime soon.