7010, callhome, cisco, data center, Fryguy, fryguy_pa, nexus, nexus 7000, nexus 7010, nxos
CallHome feature is not anything new, it has been around for quite some time now. I remember hearing about it when the Sup720 years ago. Believe it or not, I never really bothered to configure it or really tinker with it as our corporate support contract is through a VAR and not direct with TAC.
Well, with our Nexus switches I figured it was time to take a good look at this feature and configure it for internal use as well as for connectivity to our VAR. Since I am configuring this feature, figured it was a good time to blog on how to!
This excert is taking directly from Cisco’s website on what Smart CallHome is:
Cisco® Smart Call Home is an award-winning, embedded support feature available on a broad range of Cisco products. Smart Call Home enabled devices continuously perform proactive diagnostics on their own components to provide real-time alerts and remediation advice when an issue is detected.
So, without future ado, here is how to configure Smart CallHome on the Nexus 7000:
1. Enter configuration mode
N7K2# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
2. Once in Configuration mode, enter the callhome configuraiton section
N7K2(config)# callhome
3. The first thing that you should do is define a the system contact information. This is the group or person(s) who are resposible for the system. My suggestion is to first designate a small group of key individuals, fine-tune the features, and then deploy to a larger group, or preferrably, your Support Center (NOC)
N7K2(config-callhome)# email-contact NexusSupportTeam@YourCompany.Com
N7K2(config-callhome)# phone-contact +1-610-555-0542
N7K2(config-callhome)# streetaddress 124 Colo Blvd, Colo City, Co 12345
N7K2(config-callhome)# contract-id 12345
N7K2(config-callhome)# site-id 2468
4. Now, lets check the config via the SHOW CALLHOME
N7K2(config-callhome)# show callhome
callhome disabled
Callhome Information:
contact person name(sysContact):who@where
contact person’s email:NexusSupportTeam@YourCompany.Com
contact person’s phone number:+1-610-555-0542
street addr:124 Colo Blvd, Colo City, Co 12345
site id:2468
customer id:
contract id:12345
switch priority:7
duplicate message throttling : enabled
periodic inventory : enabled
periodic inventory time-period : 7 days
periodic inventory timeofday : 08:00 (HH:MM)
Distribution : Disabled
5. Now we need to define a destination configuration. This is who the notifications will be sent to. Again, this should be either a key group of people or your Support NOC.
N7K2(config-callhome)# destination-profile Nexus-Support-NOC
N7K2(config-callhome)# destination-profile Nexus-Support-NOC email-addr NexusSupport@YourCompany.Com
N7K2(config-callhome)# destination-profile Nexus-Support-NOC format full-txt
N7K2(config-callhome)# destination-profile Nexus-Support-NOC message-level 5
N7K2(config-callhome)# destination-profile Nexus-Support-NOC alert-group all
6. To check to see what is now configured, execute the command show callhome destination-profile profile Nexus-Support-NOC
N7K2(config-callhome)# show callhome destination-profile profile Nexus-Support-NOC
Nexus-Support-NOC destination profile information
maximum message size:2500000
message format:full-txt
email addresses configured:
url addresses configured:
alert groups configured:
7. Now you will need to configure your SMTP server information
N7K2(config-callhome)# transport email smtp-server port 25 use-vrf default
N7K2(config-callhome)# transport email from N7K2@YourCompany.Com
N7K2(config-callhome)# transport email reply-to NexusSupportTeam@YourCompany.Com
8. To check the configuration, use the show callhome transport-email command
N7K2(config-callhome)# show callhome transport-email
from email addr:N7K2@YourCompany.Com
reply to email addr:NexusSupportTeam@YourCompany.Com
smtp server:
smtp server port:25
9. Now all that is left to do is enable CallHome
N7K2(config-callhome)# enable
10.To check the config, issue the show callhome command
N7K2(config-callhome)# show callhome
callhome enabled
Callhome Information:
contact person name(sysContact):who@where
contact person’s email:NexusSupportTeam@YourCompany.Com
contact person’s phone number:+1-610-555-0542
street addr:124 Colo Blvd, Colo City, Co 12345
site id:2468
customer id:
contract id:12345
switch priority:7
duplicate message throttling : enabled
periodic inventory : enabled
periodic inventory time-period : 7 days
periodic inventory timeofday : 08:00 (HH:MM)
Distribution : Disabled
I will post a seperate post on the Alert Groups.
One addition is that you also are required to have the snmp-server contact set, otherwise you won't be able to 'enable' callhome.
And when the syslog alert-group is enabled (or all in this case), than the message-level correlates with the syslog level (0-7)