Well I have decided to give one another shot, the CCIE SP lab. My last try was under the SP v2 track back in March, and after I did not make it I figured that would be it for me. Well, as my one friend puts it, these BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) are a driving force for us from time to time. The thought of giving up is not what people like us do, we perservere, learn from our mistakes, and go back at it. That, right there, is what drives many of us to achive the CCIE – and what is driving me to go for the CCIE SP v3 track now.
My studies will start back up this week and blog posts on the topics will be sure to follow. Should be an interesting ride! You can look forward to seeing some interesting topics from me soon as well as the associated configs. Not quite sure how it will all work out, but as Bette Davis as Margo said in All About Eve – Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be bumpy night!
Here’s hoping for #2!
…and it begins (again)
06 Tuesday Sep 2011
Posted CCIE
Mate, you’re a crazy masochist but I wish you all the best of luck 🙂
Best of luck! How hard can it be..? 😉
Awesome! Seriously, you’re insane, but it’s a good type of insane! What are your plans for getting some IOS XR and CRS lab time?
INE is updating their SP racks to include 12k and ME switches. Will practice on those when it comes time. I have done IOS XR classes in the past, so it is more just getting familiar with the code again.