As you all are probably aware, I have been keeping an eye out for info on the CCIE Data Center track. I came across some more information and just wanted to take a moment and share it with you.
If you head on over to the Cisco Page on Certification Exams – http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/le11/learning_all_certification_exams_list.html and look around you will notice that CCIE Data Center is listed with MISSING LINK under the numbers 350-080 as well as a MISSING LINK to the CCIE Data Center Lab exam information. At least now we know what test to take, alas it is not on Pearson Vue site – yet. I might give this one a shot at Cisco Live US this year.
But what I found to be MORE interesting is the lack of test information under CCIE Storage now. Yet, if you click the link it still takes you to the CCIE Storage web page.
I wonder if this does mean that CCIE Data Center will be replacing storage in time.
All I know is that I cannot wait to find out more! Come on Cisco Live Melbourne, tell us more!
It’s there 🙂
CCIE DC Blueprint