The time has come to announce the guest closing Keynote speaker for Thursday! This information is hot off the press so be prepared for some serious excitement!
The closing Keynote speaker is going to be just AWESOME. I have been asking, as well as have others, for a few years to get this man for the closing keynote. He is a person whom I have a lot of respect for. I respect him because he has embraced the cause to teach us about hard work. determination, and perseverance.. I will also admit that he is a man who I have a “man crush” on. Without further delay and embellishment, it is none other than the former late night host of QVC, Mike Rowe! (Yeah OK – he has done a few other great shows like Somebody’s Gotta Do It and voice overs since his time at QVC).
Mike Rowe was not only a famous late night host of QVC back in the day, but also a TV star who has shown us the hard work that others do. The work that we do not normally pay attention to, yet it is the work that is as important (if not more than) anything that we may do. Today he is focused on his mikeroweWORKS Foundation which awards scholarships to students who are pursuing skilled labor trade careers. He is a man of hard work, integrity, and immense talent. I am all too excited to hear what he has to say when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Skills (STEMS).
In case you have never seen any of his QVC pitches, here is one that should provide you some great entertainment. Now I want to go buy a Lava lamp – just not touch one!
I also wanted to share a video from Mike on his foundation, mikeroweWORKS.
Finally, if you want to see a great side of Mike, check out his Facebook page by clicking the image of Mike and Freddy below.. His “Fridays With Freddy” posts are something to read.
This is shaping up to be an awesome Cisco Live 2015!
See you there!
Cisco Live 2015 – Guest Keynote Speaker
13 Friday Feb 2015
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