It is the new year and, in our industry, you need to always be working on a new you. To help with that Kirk Byers offers an excellent free cource called Python for Network Engineers and the next round is kicking off on January 26, 2017. You can register for the course over at his website –
The way that the course works is that Kirk sends you an e-mail with a video, exercises, and some additional content and is geared towards Network Engineers. You do not need to be proficient in Python, just need yourself and a willingness to learn. Understanding some programming does help, yet if you are a network engineer already, you should not have any problem.
I have taken this course back when it first launched and it was wonderful, yet back then I did not pay as much attention as I probably should have. I have actually signed back up for it so that I can get a refresher on the material and help improve my skills.
Sign up and here is looking to a better you in 2017!