This is an update to my original post that can be found here: LINK
I just received an e-mail (below) in regards to the CCIE/CCDE NetVet reception that was originally scheduled for Wednesday, June 29th. Per the e-mail, the reception is now scheduled for Thursday, June 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Below is the context of the e-mail in case you miss it or have not registered.
This event is invite-only and only available to CCIE/CCDE NetVet attendees. In case you are wondering what a NetVet it, it is a person who has attended at least three previous Cisco Live conferences in the last five years (making CLUS 2017 your fourth event attended in that timeline).
E-mail image is below:
CCIE/CCDE NetVet Reception Rescheduled
24 Saturday Jun 2017
Posted Cisco Live
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