It is just about time for Cisco Live 2019! Here are some quick things you should know before you go.
- Bring a larger suitcase than you think you will need.
The reason for this is because you will probably get a new backpack, shirts, and other stuff from WoS that you will want to bring home. - Wear comfortable, broken-in shoes.
You will be walking a lot, don’t be like Aaron at CLUS 2013. - San Diego gets a nice coastal breeze that can get chilly at night.
You may want to bring a light jacket just in case. - Cisco Live is at the San Diego Convention Center.
The address is 111 W Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101 - The Wireless SSID is #CLUS with a WPA2 passcode of @ciscolive
- The Cisco Live sign will be located on the Marina Lawn.
Get your pictures and post them to social media with the tag #CLUS - The Social Media hub is located on the 2nd floor by the Ballroom 20 foyer.
Arrival Tweet-up is Sunday @ 5:45 – 7:15 PM at Sails Pavilion Foyer
Departure Tweet-Up is Thursday @ 4:30 – 5:30 PM at Marina Lawn – 3D Cisco Live Sign
The registration for the event is at a few, convenient locations.
They can be found below ( Click on image for larger version).
One key one to note is that you can register at the San Diego airport – that is a good option if you land on Saturday or Sunday.

Please note that backpack pickup is only at the SDCC registration. If you register at one of the other locations, just go SDCC Hall D and they will get you your backpack.
- The CAE is Wednesday night at Petco Park.
Want to know who, check out this link.
Important to note: There is a good chance you will go through security before being admitted access. Leave all weapons and questionable items in your hotel room. Right @jay25f? - The CCIE party is on Tuesday, June 11 from 7p – 10p at The San Diego Air and Space Museum.
Shuttles will pick up at SDCC Hall G starting at 6:30p.
Return shuttles will be to key hotels in the Gaslamp Area. - The CCIE/NetVet reception is Tuesday, June 11 from 12 – 2p.
The reception is in the Keynote Hall GH.
The CCIE/NetVet pins are available at registration.
See you soon!