This week I am in the Juniper Campus Networks with Mist AI ( JCMA ) course and going over the labs. I ran into a problem where the EX4400-24T et-0/1/0 and et-1/1/1 ports did not appear in in the Junos configuration nor the Mist portal. The configuration was in the portal via the templates, but the ports did not exist on the switch.
I have seen similar conditions as these ports can also be used for the Virtual Chasis (VC) ports. What I did find interesting is that the normal way I have always changed VC-Ports on Junos did not work.
First, let us look at the vc-ports on this EX4400-24T:
lab@ex2> show virtual-chassis vc-port
Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
or ID (mbps) ID Interface
PIC / Port
1/0 Configured -1 Down 50000
1/1 Configured -1 Down 50000
1/2 Configured -1 Down 50000
1/3 Configured -1 Down 50000
As you can see, we have 4 VC-Ports configured on Pic 1 – Ports 0-3.
Normally to remove these you would use the command request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic 1 port 0, but as you can see that command is not valid.
lab@ex2> request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 0
error: Please use request virtual-chassis mode network-port/disable command to interchange port mode
Yeah, it says to use the request virtual-chassis mode network-port.
lab@ex2> request virtual-chassis mode network-port ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
| Pipe through a command
disable Disable specified mode
reboot Reboot system after changing mode
local Set virtual chassis mode on local virtual chassis member
all-members Set virtual chassis mode on all virtual chassis members
member Set virtual chassis mode on specific virtual chassis member
So lets set it to network-port and reboot the switch. The ports will not convert until you reboot, if you omit the reboot option, you will receive the following output:
Mode set to 'Virtual Chasiss with network-port-mode enabled'. (Reboot required)
Let us issue the command request virtual-chassis mode network-port reboot and reboot the switch.
lab@ex2> request virtual-chassis mode network-port reboot
Mode set to 'Virtual Chassis with network-port-mode enabled'. Rebooting system...
*** System shutdown message from root@ex2 ***
System going down in 1 minute
After the switch reboots, we can see that we no longer have any VC ports by issuing the command show virtual-chassis vc-port
lab@ex2> show virtual-chassis vc-port
Now if we check, we should have et- ports on our switch
lab@ex2> show interfaces terse | match et-
et-0/1/0 up up
et-0/1/0.16386 up up
et-0/1/1 up up
et-0/1/1.16386 up up
You can find the Juniper documentation at this link: Juniper Doc
Ok, back to my lab work :).