Wow! Time seems to be moving fast, so fast in fact that Cisco Live is just three weeks away! Recently Tom over at Networking Nerd posted Cisco Live 2012 – The Place To Be Social on his blog about some of the social gatherings that are planned. His post on this is very good and you should definitely read it, but I did want to share some information as well. Tom is also maintaining a Cisco Live 2012 Twitter list – you should check it out and see who is coming, and if you are on Twitter, your name is on it!
Like Tom said, last year’s Cisco Live was probably one of the best Cisco Live events in a long time. The whole event was wonderful, from the opening of the show, to the Customer Appreciation Event, and the Closing guest speaker of William Shatner. Yet beyond all of that, the think that the real success of last year’s event has to go to the Social Aspect that the twitter verse people that brought with their attendance. It was not something that was planned, it was something that more of just happened. We had a Tom’s Corner – as we call it – right outside of WoS that we all gathered at between classes. It was a place that many of us met personally for the first time, yet knew each other because of all the communication that has happened via social media leading up to the event.
Well it seems as though Cisco has fully embraced the twitterverse this year and is looking to actually have some more official tweet-ups. We have had them in the past, but they have usually only been at the CAE and more of a “off the cuff” type meeting. Granted, it was planned – but we never had our own area where we could enjoy the CAE event at the same time. This year Cisco has confirmed that we are having a Tweet Up Lounge at the Petco Park in the Western Metal Building VIP Suite/Box. This should provide some wonderful views of the event, that I am sure of!
There is talk about having a pre-event TweetUp on Sunday as well as this would allow some of us to get to (re-)recognize one another prior to the event being at full force. I think the general consensus is that we are looking around the 3 o’clock hours sometime – just no location has been finalized as of today. If I receive an update, I will update this post with that information. There is also talk about another tweetup on Thursday after the closing keynote at 3PM. Again, this location has not been determined. Whatever happens, you can be sure that many of us will be updating the location via Twitter using the hash tag #CLUS, so just keep an eye open.
The one thing that you should do, if you are on Twitter, is update you registration with your Twitter handle.
To do that:
1. Login into Cisco Live -> https://www.ciscolive2012.com/portal/login.ww
2. Click on Registration
3. Cick Edit next to User Profile
4. Scroll down about two thirds of the way and enter your twitter handle. This will allow your handle to be printed on your badge.
See you in a few weeks!
I cannot wait for #CLUS to start. Unfortunately, adding Twitter handle doesn’t work for #CDN and #Exhibitor registrants/accounts ;(
The paths that don’t have a
profile page will have the Twitter account question on the Contact Info page. We added the question to CDN as well. It looks like most booth staff paths
have no profile page and so I would direct them to the contact info page.
I cannot wait for #CLUS to start. Unfortunately, adding Twitter handle doesn’t work for #CDN and #Exhibitor registrants/accounts ;(
The paths that don’t have a
profile page will have the Twitter account question on the Contact Info page. We added the question to CDN as well. It looks like most booth staff paths
have no profile page and so I would direct them to the contact info page.
The paths that don’t have a
profile page will have the Twitter account question on the Contact Info page. This question has been added to CDN as well. It looks like most booth staff paths
have no profile page and so I would direct them to the contact info page. Michal and others can take this path to include their accounts.
The paths that don’t have a
profile page will have the Twitter account question on the Contact Info page. This question has been added to CDN as well. It looks like most booth staff paths
have no profile page and so I would direct them to the contact info page. Michal and others can take this path to include their accounts.
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